Catherine Kozemko, Assessor
Jennifer Monahan, Assessor Clerk
Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9-4pm
Phone: (607) 565-2261 x 4
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The Assessor is responsible for maintaining the property records for all real property within the Town of Barton. Real Property is defined as the land and all things attached to the land. The Assessor ensures that each property in the Town of Barton is equitably assessed so that the owner pays no more than his or her fair share of the tax levy. The Assessor does not establish tax rates. The rates are determined by the budgets of your local Village, Town and County municipalities.
What do I do if I disagree with my assessment?
The taxpayer must complete Form RP-524, Complaint on Real Property Assessment and call the Assessor during the first week in May to request an appointment with the Town of Barton Board of Assessment Review. For more information on completing the grievance form, click here.
Grievance Day is the fourth Tuesday in May. The Grievance Board is a three member board which reviews your tax assessment in cases where you do not agree with the property assessment published on the May 1st Tentative Roll.
How do I apply for an exemption on my property taxes?
Contact the Town of Barton Assessor for information on various exemptions allowed. All exemption applications are due by March 1 each year.
STAR Exemption
Homeowners will now register for the STAR credit by contacting the NYS Tax Department. Eligible, new homeowners will receive their STAR savings in the form of a check directly from New York State.
You can register for your STAR credit at any time at You may also register by phone 8:30am-4:30pm weekdays at (518) 457-2036.
In the first year of your new home, you may receive the prior owner’s STAR exemption. In future years, as long as you’re eligible, NYS will send you a STAR check- you don’t need to register again.
STAR exemptions apply only to school district taxes and not to property taxes.
BASIC STAR EXEMPTION: Available for owner-occupied, primary residences where the resident owners’ and their spouses income is $500,000 or less.
Before you register , have this information available:
- Name and social security number for all owners of the property and their spouse(s);
- Primary residence of the owner(s) and their spouse(s);
- Approximate date the owner(s) purchased the property and the name of the seller(s);
- Address or any residential property owned in another state;
- If the property is owned in trust, the legal name of the trust;
- Income tax return for all owners two years prior to the year of application of benefit. (Ex. for the 2023 STAR benefit, refer to 2021 income tax form). If you didn’t file a return that year, you will be asked to provide financial information for all property owners.
ENHANCED STAR EXEMPTION: Provides an increased benefit for the primary residences of senior citizens (age 65 and older as of December 31 of the year of the exemption – exceptions apply) with qualifying incomes of $93,200 or less for 2023-24 school year. Contact the Town of Barton Assessor to apply for your enhanced STAR exemption prior to March 1 of the year you or your spouse is turning 65.
For more information regarding New York State’s requirements for Basic and Enhanced STAR, click here, or contact your Assessor.
Download any assessment forms you may need from the NYS Office of Real Property Services site.