Michael Myers, Town Justice
Nancy Perry, Court Clerk
Court: 1st & 3rd Tuesday 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Phone: (607) 565-2261 x 1
Email: nperry@nycourts.gov
Evictions: Call the office of the Town Justice for more information.
Summons Served: Anyone may serve a summons. If you’d like to hire someone from the Town, you may call Wayne Searles at (607) 237-1370.
Methods of Payments:
- Online/Phone – Credit, debit and prepaid debit card brands (or any combination);
- Mail – Personal check, money order, or certified check made payable to “Town of Barton Court”.
- Drop Box (Outside back door) – *Cash, check, money order, or certified check made payable to “Town of Barton Court”. *Customer assumes ALL responsibility when leaving cash in the drop box.
- Walk-Ins – Cash, check, money orders, and credit/debit/prepaid debit cards.
If you would like a return receipt, kindly enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Fees may be paid by cash, money order, and we now accept debit/credit cards onsite or online.
Subject to a 2.95% service fee or minimum of $3.99.